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JUN 1-2 Custom Cycles of Dahlonega 2nd Annual Motorcycle Rendezvous, Dahlonega, GA. For more information call 706-867-9691 |
JUN 15th 4th Annual Randy Fulghum Memorial Poker Run, Twin City GA. For info, call Bob Watson at (478) 763-3460. |
JUN 15th Macon HOG chapter monthly Poker Run. Leaves Hooters of Macon from 1:00-2:00 pm. For more info, call Chip at (478) 742-7444. |
JUN 22nd Wind & Fire MC 4th Annual Poker Run. GTO's in Griffin GA to benefit the Ga Firefighters Burn Foundation. First bike out at 12 noon. For info, call 404-787-9961 |
JUN 21-22 Golden Isles Vacation Park 3rd Motorcycle Benefit for the American Heart Association. For info, call Hawk or Vicki at 912-261-1025. |