"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." |
Luke 5:31,32 |
There are not too many things in life that are really free. It might not cost you anything, but someone normally pays in some way or the other. |
For an auto dealership, what is free to you, is a tax write-off for them, meaning less taxes paid by the dealership, but not free in the true sense of the word. |
It's the same with your "free ticket to heaven", it's free to you, but someone paid for it. That someone was Jesus Christ, God's only son. What a high price he paid too. To die on the cross was a terible price to pay. And ya know something? He did it freely! |
We have all heard of crucifiction, but have you really studied what death by crucifixion is really about? You can't begin to understand just what Jesus really went through until you know the specifics of how he actually died for us. |
The Zondervan publishing company's "NIV Dictionary of the Bible" gives us some details of it all: "Crucifixion was one of the most cruel and barbarous forms of death known to man. It was practiced, especially in times of war, by the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Egytpians, and later by the Romans. So dreaded was it that even in the pre-Christian era, the cares and troubles of life were often compared to a cross. The agony of the crucified victim was brought about by (1) the painful but non-fatal character of the wounds inflicted, (2) the abnormal position of the body, the slightest movement causing additional torture, and (3) the tramatic fever induced by hanging for such a long period of time. |
What was the physical reason for Christ's death? Recent medical studies have sought an answer to the question. When a person is suspended by his two hands, the blood sinks rapidly into the lower extremities of the body. Within six to twelve minutes the blood pressure has dropped to half, while the rate of the pulse has doubled. The heart is deprived of blood, and fainting follows. Death during crucifixion is due to heart failure. Victims of crucifiction did not generally succumb for two or three days. Death was hastened by the "crucifragium" or the breaking of the legs. "But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs" (John 19:33)." |
Like Mr. Paul Harvey says: "now you know the rest of the storey". |
Some feel that their life is too messed up to accept such a gift. They think that God wouldn't want them. Let me tell you something, God wants you, he wants you no matter what you have done in the past. No matter what your going through right this minute in your life. He don't care where you've been, he knows what you will become when you accept his gift of grace, forgiveness, eternal life. |
Drug addacts, drunks, murderers...come on over. Wife beaters, thiefs, liars...come on over. Stripper, hit man, gang member ...come on over. I know, it's hard to actually believe that anyone could really forgive, much less forget your past. A human couldn't, God can. |
You know something, you didn't get here by yourself, a much higher power than you got you here reading these simple words. Salvation, forgiveness and love of our Heavenly Father is very simple. Don't make it something hard. |
Like I said earlier, nothing is really free people. Think of Jesus paying such a high price for your "free" ticket. Your ticket is in "will call", you only have to ask for it, it's already paid for you. So, what will you do now? Reject your ticket, or claim it? The choice is up to you. |
In the Bible, the book of Matthew, 7th chapter 7th verse, Christ has this to say to us: |
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." |
Before you, stand two doors. Which one will you choose? |
Will-Call: |
Ticket To Heaven |