Pastor's Policy
Statement For Weddings
Because of the numerous and varied requests a pastor receives to perform weddings, I feel it is necessary to have a written policy concerning for whom I will or will not officiate a wedding.  I do not expect all who read this policy to agree with every stand I take, but at least to understand that with this statement I am attempting to avoid the misunderstandings which could arise without such a statement.  Furthermore, it is hoped that all who read this statement will appreciate my attempt to base my personal convictions squarely upon God's Word.
As a pastor, I'm more interested in establishing Christian homes than I am in simply officiating weddings.  Because of this, I have adopted the following guidelines:
1.  Both trust in Christ as their personal Savior.
2.  The couple attend or agree to attend church regularly.
3.  It also needs to be understood that no commitment to officiating a wedding will be made until I have met personally  with the couple.
4.  Understand that I do not sky-dive, scuba dive or bungee jump when performing wedding ceremonies.
5.  I will not perform the wedding ceremony if either the bride or groom is intoxicated.
These guidelines are based upon personal conviction, but it is understood that situations arise in which some flexibility might be appropriate.  
Brother Jay
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